
Release New iPad 4G hotspot

1. Download operators list from here 2. Look for most modern profile of your operator (looks like http://appldnld.appl...xxxx.ipcc ) Then copy URL of this profile and paste it into address bar of your browser to download it. 3. Download this profile (ipcc file) 4. Close iTunes if it's opened and running 5. Open Terminal 6. Put and execute following command: defaults write com.apple.itunes carrier-testing -bool true 7. Close Terminal 8. Connect your new iPad via cable 9. Run iTunes 10. Press and hold option key while clicking "Check for Update" 11. In dialog window point to the downloaded ipcc file (downloaded on step 3) 12. Wait until synchronization will be completed. 13. Disconnect iPad 14. Reboot iPad 15. On the iPad open Settings > General > Network > 16. Switch on the Personal Hotspot setting 17. Personal Hotspot should appear in Settings and should function normally. 18. Enjoy your life!

Remembering Steve Jobs, Apple Founder and Tech Innovator

Jobs speaks at the graduation ceremonies at Stanford University on June 12, 2005 Jack Arent / Palo Alto Daily News / AP Steve Jobs, whose death was announced Wednesday night, Oct. 5, 2011, wasn't a computer scientist. He had no training as a hardware engineer or industrial designer. The businesses Apple entered under his leadership — from personal computers to MP3 players to smart phones — all existed before the company got there. But with astonishing regularity, Jobs did something that few people accomplish even once: he reinvented entire industries. He did it with ones that were new, like PCs, and he did it with ones that were old, like music. And his pace only accelerated over the years. He was the most celebrated, successful business executive of his generation, yet he flouted many basic tenets of business wisdom. (Like his hero and soul mate, Polaroid founder Edwin Land, he refused to conduct focus groups or other research that might tell him what his customers wante...

對喬布斯逝世的47個評價 | 36氪

喬布斯 時刻提醒自己的生命行將終結,這是幫助我為生命中的重要選擇做出決定的最好辦法。因為所有期待、所有驕傲、所有畏怯、所有的所有,都在死亡面前變得不值一提。在死亡面前,生命中最重要的才能存留下來。時刻提醒自己的生命行將終結,這是防止自己畏手畏腳的最好辦法。既然你已經一無所有,為什麼不聽聽內心真實的想法呢? 蘋果CEO 蒂姆·庫克(Tim Cook) 蘋果失去了一位富有遠見和創意的天才,人類失去了一位了不起的成員。能認識並與喬布斯共事是我們大家的幸事,喬布斯的離去,令我們失去了一位親密的朋友和靈魂導師。喬布斯給我們留下了一個只有他才能打造出來的公司,他的精神永遠都將是蘋果的支柱。 …… 語言無法形容我們對喬布斯離去的悲傷以及對有機會跟他共事的感激之情。我們將繼續致力於他所鍾愛的事業以緬懷他。 奧巴馬 安息吧,史蒂夫·喬布斯。我們奧巴馬2012團隊的所有成員都感謝你的努力—包括對我們的貢獻。 艾什頓·庫奇(Ashton Kutcher,好萊塢男星) 我從來都沒想到過自己會因為一位從未謀面的人的離去而變得如此崩潰。 Google Hulu CEO,Jason Kilar 喬布斯感動着業界、感動着企業,最重要的是,感動了人。其深思熟慮的固執、不切實際的高標準激勵着全世界所有的企業家、領袖、創新家,並將一直激勵下去。 戴爾 今天,世界失去了一位有遠見的領導人,科技業界失去了一個標誌性的傳奇人物,我失去了一位朋友和共同創辦人。喬布斯的傳奇必將為後人所銘記。 星巴克CEO Howard Schultz 對美國來說,這是一個悲傷的日子,一個身上所體現的創新和創業家精神與眾不同的人逝去了…… AOL聯合創辦人,Steve Case 我為認識了喬布斯而感到自豪。他是我們這一代中最具創新性的企業家。他的遺產必將長存。 All Things D 編輯,Walt Mossberg 喬布斯是個天才,在多個行業和數十億人當中都擁有着巨大影響力,自今年8月從蘋果CEO的位置退下來之後,他已經被贅述了許多次。他是堪與愛迪生或福特比肩的歷史性人物,他為許多其他...